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Better V60

Experimenting with the v60

After a few weeks of experimenting and watching most of the back catalog of James Hoffmann’s YouTube videos I have managed to avoid (so far) spending any more money and have got the hang of consistently making a decent brew with the v60.

Taking lessons from the video linked below the process that is working for me at the moment is:

  1. Grind 15g of coffee in the Rhino at about 6 clicks
  2. Rinse filter (currently using raw filters, will get bleached ones next time)
  3. Add 35g of just off the boil water to the coffee and swirl (I find that 30g doesn’t give enough to make a decent slurry)
  4. Wait 45 seconds then start adding water aiming for 150g total by 1 minute 15 seconds
  5. Slow pour and aim to have the full 250g of water in at 1 minute 45 seconds having with the cone being full
  6. Give the coffee a gentle stir making sure to avoid leaving the coffee swirling
  7. Enjoy

The main frustration I have at the moment is doing the timing, keep leaving my phone upstairs when I go to make coffee.

Currently trying to find a timer/scale combo that has auto timer start on weight change though everything I am currently finding also has phone linked smart functions that I really don’t see the point of!